What Business and Life Coaches Can Do with a Virtual Assistant

You’re already familiar with a virtual assistant—someone who can take on the duties of an assistant, but handle these duties remotely. So what separates a virtual assistant for business and life coaches from any other virtual assistant?
It comes down to the kind of work you do. As a coach, you have unique challenges that someone in a simple brick-and-mortar business might not have. Here are some of those challenges:
- Juggling an inbox and calendar. Personal and business coaching are challenging because they require the constant juggling of a calendar and a wide, disparate range of clients who have their own needs. How can you stay on top of everything while also devoting 100% of your focus to the specific needs of each client? A virtual assistant who works with coaches should be proficient in handling your calendar—and your calendar software—to ensure there are no overlaps.
- Handling the business aspects of your enterprise so you’re free to focus on clients. In all likelihood, you got into the career of coaching because you wanted to work with people directly. You wanted to help them. And that only comes through treating them with the one-on-one attention you know they deserve. If your time is constantly spent on data entry, bookkeeping, and communications, then you’re not free to run the business you want to run. A virtual assistant can fill in those gaps so you’re free to focus on the work.
- Promoting your business. How will you ever have time to promote a business if you’re focused on your clients? If you want to create a webinar, for example, how can you step away from the day-to-day needs of your business to handle the logistics of building these promotional tools? You hire a virtual assistant who has experience with them.