The Goals: What You Can Achieve with a Virtual Property Management Assistant
Too often, people who hire a virtual assistant find themselves struggling to come up with tasks. The good news in property management is that this won’t be a problem for you.
But it does help to have an idea of what a good virtual property management system should look like. Here are the various tasks you can improve and automate:
- Onboarding to property management software. You don’t get to be a $76 billion industry without some software companies designing products to make your life easier. There is plenty of software that a property management company like yours can use to automatically make life easier—hire a virtual assistant to perform any required data entry and you won’t have to keep procrastinating the act of onboarding your company onto that software.
- Automatic scheduling and follow-ups. You want to save time, but you also have to make sure that you remain responsive and flexible with the schedules of prospective tenants. Outsource your schedule management to a virtual assistant to automatically schedule everything during your working hours, while also handling follow-ups on those prospective tenants that don’t respond. You’ll be more efficient in less time.
- Automatically forward maintenance requests. An old system of handling maintenance requests might forward all tenant calls to the maintenance professional you hired. But what if that maintenance professional is on vacation or too busy to respond on time? Hiring a virtual assistant to look for other contractors in the area will help fix the issue. Their research may also help you discover contractors offering lower prices.
- Smoother property management marketing. When you own a property management company, you don’t always have time to do the marketing that brings in additional prospective tenants. Outsource it! Have a virtual property management assistant work on your Wordpress blog, for example, or update your social media accounts with new listings. This kind of engagement will keep your property in the public eye and ensure that the “contact us” forms always have tenants offering up applications.